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Conference resource room

A place to follow up with more from your favorite speakers from the conference!

Many of our speakers had additional resources they wanted to share with you; you can find them below! Speakers are listed in alphabetical order, with resources linked directly when possible.

Carrie Arnold

Book: Silenced and Sidelined: How Women Leaders Find Their Voices and Break Barriers

Chapter: The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook: A Guide to Developing Ethical Maturity (to be published in February 2023)

Richard Boyatzis

Presentation Slides: The Grand Challenge for Research on the Future of Coaching

Article: Boyatzis, R.E., Hullinger, A., Ehasz, S.F., Harvey, J., Tassarotti, S., Galloti, A., & Pinafore, F. (2022). The Grand Challenge for Research on the Future of Coaching. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science

Article: Boyatzis, R.E., Goleman, D., Dhar, U., & Osiri, J.K. (2021). Thrive and survive: Assessing personal sustainability. Consulting Psychology Journal. 73 (1). 27-50

Free Online Course: Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence on Coursera

Initiative: The Future of Coaching

Richard Boyatzis and Melvin L. Smith

Book: Helping People Change, from Harvard Business Review Press

Free Online course: Conversations that Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership & Change on Coursera

Research Hub: Case Western Reserve University Research Lab

The Becoming of a Coach

Article: Rajasinghe D., Garvey, R., Smith, WA., Burt, S., Clutterbuck, D., Barosa-Pereira, A., & Csiga, Z., (Forthcoming, 2022). On becoming a coach: Narratives of Learning and Development: The Coaching Psychologist; 18(2)

LinkedIn: The Becoming of a Coach - Narratives of Learning and Development

L. Michelle Bennett

Book: Collaboration and Team Science: A Field Guide

Article: L. Michelle Bennett, Edgar Cardenas, & Michael O'Rourke. (2022). Collaboration Agreement Template (Version 1) 

Article: Eight Behaviors for Smarter Teams

Article: Schwarz RM, and Bennett LM. Team effectiveness model for science (TEMS): Using a mutual learning shared mindset to design, develop, and sustain science teams. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 5: eX, 1–6. doi: 10.1017/cts.2021.824

Article: Bennett, L.M., Nelan R, Steeves B, and Thornhill J (2019). Health Sciences Research at the University of Saskatchewan: The Interrelationship of People, Space, Operations, Institutional Leadership, and Training

Úrsula Castellano

Blog: Coaching with Photos blog post at the Institute of Coaching

Documentary: Honorably Discharged. A short documentary on trauma and military sexual assault

Desiree Cocroft

Book: Get Your Life Today

Video: Dancing Your Way to Better Leadership

LinkedIn: Desiree Cocroft

Ian Day

Courses Available: Postgraduate coaching courses delivered by Ian Day at the University of Warwick

Books: Challenging Coaching: Going Beyond Traditional Coaching to Face the FACTS

Chapter: Day, I., (2021) Balancing Challenge and Support in Coaching, Chapter 15, in the Coaches’ Handbook : The Complete Practitioner Guide for Professional Coaches

Article: Day, I. (2022). The urban myth of the ‘Why…’ question. Can coaches ask ‘Why?’ International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 3, 3, 1-5 

David Drake

Organization: The Moment Institute

Events: Beyond Coaching Experience and multiple training cohorts for 2023

Article: Rethinking our work with leaders: Using developmental threshold zones in coaching

Andrea Giraldez-Hayes

Book: Applied Positive School Psychology

Chapter: Coaching to Develop Psychological Capital to Support Change; Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace, 259-273.

Article: Giraldez Hayes, A. (2021). Different domains or grey areas? Setting boundaries between coaching and therapy: A thematic analysis. The Coaching Psychologist, 17(2), 18-29

Article: McManus, B. C., & Giraldez Hayes, A. (2021). Exploring the experience of using music and creative mark-making as a reflective tool during coaching supervision: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Philosophy of Coaching : An International Journal, 6(2), 22-46

Adena Johnston

Organization: Lateral Group

Timothy S. Kincaid

Book: Coaching Wisdom: Voices of the Gay Coaches Alliance

Haesun Moon

Book: Coaching A to Z: The Extraordinary Use of Ordinary Words - (Free Intro Chapter PDF)

Chapter: Coaching: Using Ordinary Words in Extraordinary Ways

Article: Team Coaching With the DOQ

Organization: Canadian Center for Brief Coaching

Duminda Rajasinghe

Article: Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) as a coaching research methodology

Article: Researching entrepreneurship: an approach to develop subjective understanding

Jenny Rogers


Book: Are You Listening?

Book: Coaching: What Really Works

Book: Coaching Skills: the definitive guide to being a coach (4th edition)

Melvin L. Smith

LinkedIn: Melvin L. Smith

Wendy-Ann Smith

Book: Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace 1st ed. 2021 Edition

Book: The Ethical Coaches Handbook - A Guide to Developing Ethical Maturity in Practice (To be published February 2023)

Event: Coaching Ethics Forum - December 8-9, 2023

Nicky Terblanche

Article: AI Coaching Efficacy

Article: Designing AI Coaches

Qing Wang

Book: Coaching Psychology for Learning: Facilitating Growth in Education

Article: Zhang, Y., Wang, Q.*, Zhang, Y., Xu, C., & Xu, Z. (2022). Protean career orientation and proactive behaviors during school-to-work transition: Mechanism exploration and coaching intervention. Journal of Career Development, Online.

Article: Wang, Q., Lai, Y., Xu, X., & McDowall, A. (2022). The effectiveness of workplace coaching: A meta-analysis of contemporary psychologically informed coaching approaches. Journal of Work-Applied Management, 14(1), 77-101.

Article: Wang, Q. (2021). How does mindfulness-informed educational coaching help? A mixed-method participatory action research study. International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 2, Article 5.

Erica R. Wexler

Article: Pourdehnad, J., Wexler, E.R., Wilson, D.V. (November 2011). Integrating systems thinking and design thinking. The Systems Thinker. 22(9), 2-6

Article: Wexler, E.R. (May 2011). Creating and maintaining a shared organizational vision through effective communication. University of Pennsylvania, Scholarly Commons

Website: Transformational Guidance ® Leadership & Coaching Program Overview


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