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director's forum

The purpose of the Director’s Forum is to offer a small, private forum for directors of coach training programs to give and receive collegial support. The Forum is open to GSAEC institutional members who direct coach training programs, one member per institution per Forum. Benefits for participating in the Forum include:

  • Sharing coach education program best practices and challenges
  • Collectively brainstorm potential solutions and resources to support the resolution of issues put on the table
  • Expanding learning opportunities through thought leadership share outs
  • Gaining access to each other as a collegial resource outside the forum

In return for these benefits you are asked to make the following commitments:

  • Frequency of forums: 6 meetings scheduled annually, to account for shifting/difficult schedules
  • Length of each forum: 2 hours
  • Come to each forum prepared to give and get support e.g. what is working well for you and your program, what is your greatest challenge for which you seek support from this group of peers
  • Take ideas from the forum; apply and learn from the use of the ideas come to the next forum prepared to share out with your peers
  • Provide feedback about the Forum purpose, structure, and ideas for making it even more valuable for additional members who want to participate in future Forums.

If you direct a coach training program and are interested in joining a forum, please contact Charline Russo, President.



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