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The Graduate School Alliance for Education in Coaching (GSAEC) is pleased to invite you to a series of Campfires and Salons, which are 90-minute webinars that focus on key and emerging issues in coaching and coach education. Join us as we host thought leaders for discussions, presentations, and live panels designed to help keep you up to date with the latest developments in coaching and coach education. These events are exclusive opportunities to focus directly on Graduate Level Coaching Education and examine and explore some of GSAEC's Academic Standards for Excellence in Coach Education!
Once you sign up, you'll receive reminder emails with the Zoom link for the session. Don't forget to add it to your calendar too; you can use the "Add to calendar" link in the top right corner of the registration page!
Registration is FREE for GSAEC Members; $25 for Non-Members. You must enter the email address associated with your membership to select the GSAEC Member registration tier. GSAEC Members may also bring up to two guests free; just provide their name and email when registering! If you don't know a GSAEC Member to bring you, but want to try out a session before committing, contact us at!
A video archive of past campfire recordings and related slide decks is available in the Members section of the website! (login required)